Our cousins came over this week and we had another PIZZA NIGHT!

David and Andrea helped us to make some yummy pizzas...

... but we had time for a few photos in between ...

Yes... I like a bit of pizza with my cheese (there is a pizza base and some ham under that pile of cheese). Fletch, on the other hand, decided to try some of the muffins Mum had made earlier that day ...

Muffins? I don't know anything about any muffins ...

Oops. Mum's got the camera. Quick!

There is no evidence that I ate any of the muffins ...

... I have just been sitting here minding my own business, playing with my plane... Ok, maybe I had ... *wispers in Alison's ear* ...

WHAT?!? You ate how many?????

Awww, c'mon Ali! They were nice!
(and, yes, I did have a haircut this week)