Alison and Fletcher moved into their new room last weekend. Fletcher was sleeping in the bassinet in our room but had become too big for it so it was time to make the move to a cot. Fortunatley, this move also coincided with his new-found ability to sleep through the night! (yay!!) So there was no 'waking Alison at 3am' to worry about.
They are getting on really well together - Alison loves 'helping' with anything 'Fletcher-related' (putting the dummy in his mouth - whether he wants it or not!, wiping his mouth with a bib - that's really cute) and Fletcher is starting to get use to having her around - not stressing that he's about to get injured when he sees or hears her coming his way! The photo below was taken a few weeks ago; Fletcher was on the lounge and Alison jumped up and lay next to him, laughing and cuddling up to him - very cute indeed!)